Morticia Addams: Clothing, Shoes & Accessories

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Morticia is musically inclined, and is often seen freely strumming a Japanese. Charles Addams was first inspired by his hometown of , New Jersey, an area full of ornate mansions and archaic graveyards. Veteran voice actors , , and did the voices of Lurch, Wednesday, Pugsley and Cousin Itt, respectively.

Archived from on June 4, 2011. The family's home has been bugged by a gang of crooks who intend to steal the family fortune. What is it with people refusing to express how they feel about someone? It may be a fundamental difference in lifestyles or values.

The Addams Family - Although most of the humor derives from the fact that they share interests, the Addamses are not evil.

If you've ever seen The Addams Family, then you know how next-level Morticia and Gomez Addams are toward each other. From their sexual innuendos, to their consistent complimenting of each other, to their wicked dance moves — this couple is iconic. If my marriage isn't as spicy as theirs, I'm going to be disappointed. If you had to name three things your ideal partner would have, I can almost guarantee that Gomez has at least one or two of them. You may want in every aspect of your life, or someone who knows how to morticia and gomez romantic, or someone who's not embarrassed to tell you just. Gomez Addams has all of these and then some. Read on for more reasons Gomez is the man you never knew you needed in your life. Romance should never die, you guys. Gomez is the epitome of romantic in The Addams Family. I would kill for her. It doesn't get much better than that. What is it morticia and gomez people refusing to express how they feel about someone. I get it, it's scary and it can lead to rejection, but if everyone would just lay everything out on the table and stop being embarrassed to do it, dating would be so much simpler. He never misses an opportunity to tell Morticia how he feels about her, and honestly, why can't everyone be that way. You are the only cactus in the garden of my life. I want to be someone's cactus. Find yourself a partner who never runs out of things they find beautiful about you, and tells you each day just how much they admire you. Gomez never wanes when it comes to telling Morticia how awestruck she makes him over and over again. When they reminisce about the night they met at a funeral, he tells her exactly how she bewitched him, resulting in him proposing that very night. No one even looked at the corpse. Now, you and I both know the Addams family is quite the odd bunch. When Morticia was in labor, and Gomez was asking her all those strange questions, that was his way of supporting her because as a family, they enjoy pain and inhuman torture. If that's not your cup of tea, I don't blame you, but the point is he was supporting her. Your perfect partner should do the same. No matter what, Gomez and Morticia never cease to be as passionate together as they were when they first met. When she was chained up and he went to save her, he told her his blood boiled to see her that way. When they talked about their second honeymoon, they both got super turned on. And I need that kind of passion in any perfect partner. Your perfect partner may not have every single one of these traits, but I'm almost certain they have at least a couple. If Gomez seems a little too good to be true, don't be so sure. You'd be surprised at how many sexy, passionate baes exist. Your Gomez is out there. Check out the for more stories just like this!.

The Addams Family (6/10) Movie CLIP - Gomez Loves Morticia (1991) HD
In a departure from the original series, this series took the Addamses on the road in a Victorian-style. Gomez and Pugsley are enthusiastic. What is it with people refusing to express how they feel about someone? John Astin returned to the role of Gomez, and celebrities and took over the roles of Fester and Grandmama, respectively. But a couple that sees the struggle as being their crucible, the trial that made them stronger? He never misses an opportunity to tell Morticia how he feels about her, and honestly, why can't everyone be that way?!